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Q: What did Picasso's midwife think when he was born?
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When was Ann Diamond - midwife - born?

Ann Diamond - midwife - was born in 1831.

When we're Picasso's parents born?

picassos parents were born in the late 1890's his mother died while giving birth to him

How many days does a midwife have to watch a mother and the baby?

I think you can have your midwife around for as long as you need her. I think you can have her after the baby comes. A midwife will help with the baby during the period right after birth when the mother is tired.

What genre is the midwife's apprentice?

I think you are thinking of a doula.

How much will you earn as a trained midwife?

In England it starts around £20000 for a midwife on contract i think, maybe a bit lower

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Did Pablo Picassos go to Rome?

yes he did

What was Picassos dream?

He wanted to go to Russia

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He was not born in a hospital, but at home with a midwife.

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