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War, racism and death

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the Nazi party espoused a strong nationalism for the German people and the "Aryan" race, many of whom felt disenfranchised following WW1. The party degenerated into a dictatorial rule by terror form of government with its SS and Gestapo and its policies to those who they felt were not part of the "Aryan" ideal.

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What roles did Hitler have in the Nazi Party?

Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party from 1921-1945.

How was Hitler involved with the Nazi party?

He was the leader of the Nazi party.

When was Nazi Party created?

Nazi Party was created in 1920.

Is a current Nazi party in Australia?

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What roles did Hitler play in the Nazi party?

He was the leader of the Nazi party.

How did Hitler create the Nazi party?

Hitler was not the founder of the Nazi Party.

What party did the Nazi group belong to?

The Nazi Party - National Socialist German Workers' Party.

What was the name of the Nazi party in the early 1920s?

The predecessor of the Nazi Party was the German Workers Party.

Which party did Hitler belong to before becoming dictactor of Germany?

The Nazi party

What was Hitler's political party?

Hitlers political party was the National Socialist German Workers Party, or Nazi party.

Did the Nazi Party exist in Germany?

Yes. Hitler lead the Nazi party.

Where is the nazi party?

the nazi party was centred in Germany but it has been gone for years