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Many Rebuplicans view Health Care as a place where Goverment doesn't belong. They see it as a 'share the wealth' plan that taxes people with income to assist those who do not, essentially demoting a healthy market and allowing people who do not work for anything to get the same treatment as those who do while making others pay for it. Opinions greatly vary in both major and minor ways.

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There is evidence that a majority of Republicans believe it should be privatized: most Republicans today say they believe in smaller government, and say that it is not the role of government to provide or administer social welfare or entitlement programs. Republicans believe private companies should run such programs. Democrats disagree: Social Security began under the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and since 1935, it has been a popular and successful program; Democrats see no problem with the government continuing to be involved in it.

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Q: What do republicans think about health care?
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What is the Republican plan for health care?

The Republican health care plan is constantly evolving to shift with the popular demands of the American people. There has not been a consolidated health care plan outlined by the Republican party as of yet, as it continues to be debate among Republicans and Democrats alike. One thing Republicans are doing regarding health care is attacking the Democrats' health care plan. The Republican party is, for the most part, against a centralized health-care system. They argue that a centralized-health care system does not work as well as a privatized corporate run health-care system. Some argue for the privatization of all of health care, including MediCare and Medicaid. They do not want Corporations to shoulder any extra cost to provide any workers' health care plans. Republicans argue for personal responsibility, but they do not seem to have an answer for personal irresponsibility which is quite frequent.

Are Democrats for health care reform?

Yes. I think, generally, Democrats, as a party, would like reform, but I am sure there are individuals who may not. Just as a number of Republicans I know would like reform as well, but the Republicans, as a party, does not seem to be in it as much.

What three groups stated the greatest objection to the health care bill?

Tea Party, Republicans, and Independants

What are views on Health-Care Reform- The Rush to Pass a Bad Bill?

Senate Republicans want step-by-step solutions that reduce health care costs but don't require large bills and a Washington take over of the health care system.

Did any Republicans vote in favor of Obama's health care reform bill?

Nope, not one republican vote.

Is it required by law to have health care insurance?

Different states have different laws, however I think it is advisable to have health care insurance as health care is expensive, but I don't think it is a required law.

Republican senators voted to pass the health care reform bill in its vote on the Senate floor?

No, zero Republicans voted for this bill in the Senate.

How many Republican senators voted to pass the health care reform bill in its vote on the Senate floor?

2 Republicans and 1 Independent

What do you think the health care reform law constitutional?


Is the government responsible for health care?

no, but i think they should be

How health care services relate to health?

I think that there is a relation between the two. because ,imagine your self in a health care which the service on it poor what is your feeling about your health? and imagine the opposite!