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To show areas that have similar measurements of precipitation, temperature, gravity, magnetism, density, elevation, or chemical composition.

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Q: What do scientists commonly use isograms to show?
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The temperature scale that scientists commonly use is the?

Scientists commonly use the Celsius or Kelvin temperature scales.

How do scientists show the shape of a molecule?

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Do scientists accept the same terms which we commonly use in our daily life?

yes, they do. scientists do agree to the terms we commonly use in our daily life. in fact, they themselves use these terms in their life. hope i have answered ur question

Why do scientists use models to represent earths processes?

to show you the full procces scientists show models to have better understanding

What is the most common graph scientists use?

Line graphs are most commonly used.

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Scientists use control groups to show how something will change under normal circumstances.

How do models help scientists understand systems?

It can show how you can use it

What does peptone broth contain?

Peptone broth is a material commonly used in a lab. Scientists and research scientists use it to culture the growth of Salmonella and Shigella.

Why scientists might use models to represent Earths processes?

scientist use models to show or explain easier

Why do scientists use data tables?

Scientists use data tables to record data and information like a database in maths.

What would you use particle model for?

Scientists use it to show the forms of gases, liquids and solids.