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Easter is the name of the Christian holiday to remember the Resurrection of Jesus. The Last Supper was the meal that Jesus had with his disciples before he was crucified. The Last Supper was one of the events that lead up to Jesus's crucification and resurrection. Since Easter is a celebration of his Resurrection, it usually focuses on his last days on earth that included the Last Supper.

The Last Supper began as Jesus and his disciples celebrated the Jewish festival of Passover and the Passover Meal. The Passover Meal had specific prayers and steps and traditions that had been passed down through the ages. Some say that one part of the Passover Meal included a boiled egg. This tradition may explain how the Christian holiday of Easter uses eggs---but others dispute this.

The Passover Meal that was observed by Jesus deviated from the usual tradition. Jesus broke the bread and drank the wine as was expected. However, when Jesus performed this part of the ceremony, he said the bread was his body and the wine was his blood. He asked the disciples to take part in this and be in covenant with him. When Christians partake of their version called The Lord's Supper, they are committing themselves to Christ and the Church.

Easter is taken from the name of a goddess worshipped by the Babylonians and Assyrians (ishtar). She is the goddess of love and war whose name and (god like abilities) are equal to the goddess worshipped by the Phoenicians, named Astarte. This fact is well documented in many references. The word Easter only appears in biblical text one time (Acts 12:4), the original Greek texts actually use the word (Strongs 3957)"Pascha" which is the Greek version of the Hebrew word (6453-pecach and its root word 6452-pacach) for Passover.

Its assumed and somewhat documented that the inclusion of Ishtar is related to the time of the captivity of Samara to Assyria and Judah to Babylon (70 years), where the priest line of the temple became polluted by allowing outsiders to enter into service where Levi as only supposed to be allowed to serve. Today many Christians observe a festival called Easter (Ishtar), even though biblical text is clear that the Passover is to occur, 14 days after the spring equinox.

Each year at Passover a lamb was to be sacrificed which allowed the sins of the people to be forgiven (their soul to be forgiven of its sins, someone has to pay for the sins). Christ took on the role of the sacrificial lamb for one and all time (for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us - 1 Corinthians 5:7). Christ has nothing to do with Easter (Ishtar) but everything to do with Passover as he became the sacrificial lamb for the sins of all the souls of mankind. And by allowing himself to be punished for the sins of all Mankind's souls (an act of love) he earned the right to be King of kings and Lord of lords. All people upon he earth, who whish have the freedom to believe in Christ as the sacrifical lamb who can forgive their soul of its sins, which cleans what is written in the book of life next to their name, which is read allowed at their judgment (Revelation chapter 20). The Last supper, occurred just before Christ was sacrificed as the Lamb slain for the sins of all souls of mankind. Believers are supposed to hold communion (as Christ taught them at the last supper) every year at passover.

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The Gospels say that the Last Supper was a Passover meal. If so, one of Jesus's disciples would likely have taken a lamb, or bought a lamb at the market just outside the Temple and taken it into the Temple to be sacrificed. The bulk of the meat from the Passover sacrifice would then have been taken back to the group and cooked for dinner, where, following the instructions in Exodus 12:8, they would eat it with bitter herbs and unleavened bread. As with all festive meals in the Jewish tradition, the meal would have begun with a blessing over bread (unleavened since this is Passover) and then a blessing over wine, and assuming that the traditions of the four cups of wine and the Afikomen as parts of the Passover Seder existed 2000 years ago, the meal would have ended with a final mouthful of unleavened bread and a cup of wine (the third of the four).

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