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Butterfly tattoos do not have a specific meaning. The individual may have gotten this tattoo to represent a lost family member or because they just wanted it.

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Q: What does a butterfly tattoo mean when it is under your right eye?
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What does a butterfly with tiger face tattoo signify?

Sweet and delicate as a butterfly,,, but can be mean as a tiger-- if you take me there....

Does a butterfly tattoo mean you are a lesbian?

No more than having red hair does. It's just a tattoo.

What tattoo symbolizes growing up?

i am not sure what you mean? Most tattoos symbolize whatever you want them to. I have only on tattoo and it is a butterfly, its black and on my right shoulder. Butterfly, i got it the first day that i moved out of my parents house,(spreading my wings) Black for simpleness, and plus its cute. Choose a tattoo that means something to you...or that doesn't and make it mean something. tattoos are something that are yours and something that you keep forever. make them tell a story....your story.

What is the meaning of a tattoo on a females lower back?

It could mean alot of different things to different people. The butterfly is often the symbol of rebirth or reawakening. As the caterpillar turns into a butterfly or butterfly emerges from cocoon it is remade into another life.

What does a cross tattoo under the right eye mean?

A cross under da right eye means....Death is always around u....and all u can see is doesn't mean u killed anyone......

What hand has cheryl cole got her tattoo on?

She said in an interview that it does not mean anything. It marks a new beginning in her life.

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Does a tattoo behind the right ear mean your gay?

No, it means you have a tattoo behind your right ear. Grow up, man.

What if someone has 2 teardrop tattoos?

If it is under the left eye then it means that the person has murdered two people. Tho if it under the right eye it could mean a few thing like losing a close family member or friend. But i know the right eye doesnt mean murder.

Does an armband tattoo on your right arm mean you are gay?

no. This is untrue.

Does it mean anything when a dragon tattoo is facing left or right?

It really does not mean anything in particular if a dragon tattoo is facing left or right. It is basically just a matter of personal preference.

Does getting a butterfly tattoo mean you are gay?

No, getting a butterfly tattoo does not determine your sexual orientation. Tattoos are a form of self-expression that holds personal significance to the individual getting them. It is important not to make assumptions about someone's sexual orientation based on their choice of tattoo.