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It is like a Little hard bony lump that feels like it is a little lose It is often found over the the bone under the skin. however it can appear any where in the body it is not particularly painful at first. however if it is in a spot like under the arm where you put it on a desk to type it can get very irritating. the good thing about them is that they do go away again with a bit of luck.

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Q: What does an early rheumatoid nodule feel like?
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Hard nodule at bottom back ribcage about 4in to the right of the spine nodule is immobile and bone hard it is 2in long and half inch wide over 2 ribs hurts pelvis when pressed and recent sciatic pain?

It sounds a little like a rheumatoid nodule However although these are hard to the touch they are not quite as hard as bone, I would be inclined to see my doctor with it just in case it is something that requires immediate attention. Waiting around hoping that lumps in your body will go away is an unwise coarse of action.

What does nodular means?

Nodular means like a nodule. A nodule is a mis-shapen lump.

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Yes early on it does.

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because i feel like it

What is a gastric nodule?

The term ' nodule ' means a knot-like, small solid lump of tissue which may occur anywhere in the body, accordingly a gastric nodule is a nodule found inside the stomach. The term ' nodule ' itself does not reveal anything about the nature of the lump. The best way is to consult a general surgeon as soon as possible. Surgery may be necessary to get rid of it and further to find out whether it is malignant or benign by means of biopsy.

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Uterine streching can feel as though you are having menustral cramps.

Which type of arthritis has a prodrome of flu-like symptoms at the onset of the disease?

Rheumatoid arthritis. It can have early symptoms of fatigue, malaise (sense of not feeling right), aches and fever similar to the flu.

What does boggy mean in the medical field?

Boggy is used to describe something that, on physical examination, feels like it has fluid in it. For example, in rheumatoid arthritis joints in the hand may feel boggy.

How do you treat a lump on your foot from rheumatoid arthritis?

This sounds like a rheumatoid nodule. These can be removed with surgery. however chances are theywill grow back again. I had one on the back of each foot on the ankle for years and they eventually went away. I also got one on the bottom of my right arm just where you put it when using the key board on the computer. eventually this cleared itself as well. the one on the arm cleared up while on anti inflammatory treatments tat are used for RA.

Can thrombocytosis cause rheumatoid arthritis?

It is more like the other way around Rheumatoid arthritis is one of a considerable number of disease that can cause thrombocytosis.

What does a nodule in your lung look like?

A lung nodule is an abnormality on your lungs that is smaller than 3cm. Anything larger than 3cm is called a mass. Nodules can be caused by a vast variety of different things. Therefore, the shape of a nodule varies. They can occur inside or outside of the lungs. Most nodules are benign (60%).

What is a trait of rheumatoid arthritis patient?

They often like to have breakfast after they get up.