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There is no such thing. If there was, I would imagine that it would do much the same thing as the aorta does, which is move blood from the heart to the other arteries which then split out into the body. In mammal development, there is a right aortic arch - six of them, and six on the left too - which develop into several major arteries.

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Q: What does the right aorta do?
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Major artery leading from right ventricle?

The answer is the Aorta

Which aorta pump blood to left ventricle ascending aorta or descending aorta?

Blood goes in this order... Right Atrium -> Right Ventricle -> Lungs -> Left Atrium -> Left Ventricle -> Ascending Aorta -> Descending Aorta. So neither pump blood to the the Left Ventricle but the Left Ventricle pumps blood to the ascending aorta.

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Right Femoral Artery -> Right External Iliac Artery -> Right Common Iliac Artery -> Abdominal Aorta -> Aorta -> Right Coronary Artery I think below is a better answer: R Femoral A. > R Ext. Iliac > R Common Iliac > Abdominal Aorta> Thoracic Aorta > Aortic Arch

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This is hard to answer with the way you ask. We have tha aorta coming out of the heart, then the brachiocephalic, left common carotic, and right subclavian artery coming off that. If you are asking which is at top, well that's still hard to answer, but I would say the brachiocephalic. That splits into the right subclavian and right common carotid arery.

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Right femoral artery, right external iliac artery, right common iliac artery, abdominal aorta, thoracic aorta, descending aorta, aortic arch, ascending aorta, right coronary artery.

What takes place in the right chamber of the heart?

the aorta

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The Aorta

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Where is the blood from the right side of the blood pumped?


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Left and right iliac

Blood is pumped from the left ventricle to the what?

Right Antrium

What is the main artery that leave the heart?

Aorta. In fact two arteries; aorta from left side and pulmonary artery from right side.