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closely spaced contour lines indicate steep slopes, wider ones indicate gentle slopes

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Q: What does the spacing between contour lines tell you?
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When does spacing between contour lines tell you?

How steep the slope is.

What does the spacing between contour lines tell you on a topograghic map?

the height of the mountain

What does the spacing between contour lines tell?

closely spaced contour lines indicate steep slopes, wider ones indicate gentle slopes

What does the spacing of contour lines tell us?

Contour lines refer to the elevation of a line as it runs through a mapped area. For instance a 1,000ft. contour line might meander through an open field or wrap completely around a hill. On any map the "Contour Interval" is indicated somewhere as 25FT or 50ft. or 100ft. meaning that it will be this distance vertically between lines of the same altitude. In flat lands it may be a long distance between contour lines but on a steep slope they might be crowded close together.

How can you tell where the slope is steep just by looking at contour lines?

Where the slope is steep the contour lines will come close together.

How are contour lines drawn on maps?

Contour lines connect points of equal height, and show grades of hills, the closer together the lines the steeper the grade. The map legend should tell you the difference in elevation between lines, this could be in feet or meters

Explain contour lines and contour intervals and what they tell you about a topographic map?

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What do the lines on a contour map tell us?

The numbers on contour lines show the different elevations. Lets say one contour line says it has 1450 elevation. That means it is on the highest peak. When you see other numbers, that is just the elevation

How can you tell from a map if a mountain is steep?

On maps, points of equal height are linked by lines. These are called contour lines. The closer the spacing of these lines the larger the height change over a given horizontal distance on the ground.Therefore very closely spaced contour lines would indicate that a mountain was steep.Vertical cliffs may also be marked directly on a map. Please see the related links for examples of how differing height and rock features are marked on British Ordnance Survey maps.

What is the Change in elevation between 2 contour lines?

Some topographic maps show that. Or all you can tell is the closer they are the harder the climb and the further apart the easier.

Will it tell your at the top of mt coronet?

I don't think so... Since there are no contour lines in the game...

Widely spaced contour lines indicate a?

Widely spaced contour lines indicate a gradual slope, while closely spaced lines indicate a steep slope.