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Slows the development of all vital organs especially the brain.

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Q: What effects does lead paint have on a fetus?
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Effects of lead poisoning?

Lead poisoning can cause brain damage and even death. We used to put lead in our gasoline and in our paint but have learned about its dangers and stopped those practices.

What is Lead based paint?

Lead based paint is paint that has a significant amount of lead (Pb) as a constituent of the color pigments in the paint.

Did Duron Paint contain lead in 1975?

Most paint companies had stopped using lead in their paint at that time, however, never assume that paint is lead free. Use a lead paint test to determine if lead if present prior to sanding or scraping.

Can you paint over lead?

You can paint over lead paint. However, you do not want to sand or scrape the lead paint beforehand. This will create dust that you may breathe in and that is dangerous.

Is lead paint still in use?

No. Now all paint is lead free after it was shown that if you use lead paint then your next generation will be screwed.

What are the Side effects of ozone therapy to the fetus?


Is there lead paint on wire hangers?

no, the use of lead paint has been illeagal for decades

What are some effects of chemotherapy on a developing fetus?

the child could be possibly be born with birth deficts

What kitchen toys are manufactured lead paint free?

plastic kitchen is lead free paint

What is the adverse effects of gyneacosid and menstrogen on the fetus?

These could be fatal for fetus. Never use such drugs without a medical prescription.

How do you perform tests for lead in paint?

A qualified inspector is the one who will be able to perform tests for lead in paint. Samples of the paint are taken in order to be tested. One way that you can determine if you should worry about lead paint is to find out when your home was built. Any homes built after 1978 should not have lead paint in them.

Can lead paint effect a 10-13 year old?

No age is immune from the effects of lead. We see lead poisoning less in older kids and adults because they are less likely to be crawling around getting it on their hands and to ingest (eat) it.