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Alkaline earth metals are in the second group. Be is the first metal of them.

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Q: What element is the first member of the alkaline earth metal?
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Related questions

Is the first element in the alkaline earth group of elements?

No, the first element, hydrogen, is not an alkaline earth metal. The first of those is Beryllium.

What is the first element of the alkaline earth metals?

Beryllium is the first element in the alkaline earth metals.

Which member of alkaline earth metal is least reactive?

Look at any periodic table: Beryllium #4 Magnesium #12 Calcium #20 Strontium #38 Barium #56 Radium #88

What element is the first member of the rare earth metals?

Be; Beryllium Element #4

Alphabetically What are the first and last of the alkaline earth metals?

Alphabetically, the first alkaline earth metal is barium and the last is strontium.

What is an element with a single electron in its highest energy level is probably what type of metal?

An element with two electrons in its highest energy level is probably an alkaline earth metal. More specifically, it is likely magnesium or calcium, as these are the most common alkaline earth metals.

What is the forth element?

The element with atomic number 4 is Beryllium (Be). Beryllium is the first element in the Group 2 - Alkaline Earth Metals family. It has 4 electron sin two shells, with two electrons in each shell.

What is the first member of the noble gases and the second most abundent element in the universe?

Helium is the first member and the most abundent element in the known universe

Which 2 groups of metals are the most reactive?

1. alkaline metals 2. alkaline earths metals

What element is the first member of the lanthanide series?

Most of the lanthanides are silvery-gray metals. Check the Related Links section for pictures of all of them.

Who discovered the first Rare EARTH Element?

The first rare earth element, yttrium, was isolated in 1794 by the Swedish chemist Johan Gadolin.

Is the ionization energy of alkali metals larger or smaller than the alkaline earth metals in the same period?

It is about first ionization energy. It is less than alkaline earth metals.