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Tissue plasminogen activator.

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Q: What enzyme breaks up a blood clot in the heart?
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If a patient develops a blood clot in the femorla vien and a portion of the blood clot breaks loose where is the blood flow likely to carry the embolus?

Veins carry blood to the heart, therfore in all likelyhood that clot is on it's way to the heart and will likely cause a myocardial infarction (heart attack).

What are clot busters?

If your blood flows out of your heart too slowly, a blood clot can form that completely blocks the artery.This is a kind of heart attack called a coronary thrombosis. A nonsurgical treatment that is successful in many cases is the use of "clot buster". Given to a patient through the veins, a clot buster is an enzyme that dissolves clots.

What is an embolism and what is its connection to thrombosis?

Thrombosis is a blood clot that develops in a vein (usually in the leg or pelvic region). An embolism is a clot that breaks off and travels to the heart, lungs, or brain.

When a blood clot breaks free and circulates through the blood stream it is referred to as?

When a thrombus(clot) breaks free and travels through the bloodstream it is called an embolus.

What happens to the blood clot after a tooth extractiondoes it break down?

The blood clot breaks down and is reabsorbed in to you body

A clot that breaks loose and floats in the blood is called a?


What is the definition of thrombokinesse?

an enzyme liberated from blood platelets that converts prothrombin into thrombin as blood starts to clot

Can you have a stroke without high blood pressure?

High blood pressure can lead to heart failure. If the heart isn't pumping properly than the chance of forming a clot increases and if this clot breaks free and makes it to the head than a stroke will occur

What is a heart blood clot called?


If a blood clot blocks and artery in your brain will result in a?

"A stroke" is the answer you're looking for.

What is the physiology cause of a heart attack?

blood clot lodging in a blood vessel supplying the heart

What is the enzyme meant to dissolve fibrin blood clots in the body?

yes enzyme can be use for dissolve fibrin blood clots in human body . enzymes act directly on fibrin stands within the clot and increase the amount of plasmin in blood. plasim dissolve clots in blood.