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Q: What factors does a good writer most consider when looking for a word in a thesaurus A. precision and connotation B. rhythm and meter C. spelling and part of speech D. etymology an roots?
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Are Thesaurus synonyms true?

Thesaurus synonyms are not necessarily always true in all contexts. While the words listed in a thesaurus are generally synonyms, they may not always have the exact same meaning or connotation in every situation. It's important to consider the context and nuances of a word before using it as a direct replacement for another.

What is a dictionary of antanyms and synanyms?

A dictionary of synonyms is called a thesaurus.

When using synonyms what steps might you take to ensure your word choice carries the correct connotation?

When choosing synonyms, consider the context in which the word will be used and the tone you want to convey. Pay attention to the nuances and subtleties of each synonym to ensure it aligns with the intended connotation. It can also be helpful to refer to a trusted thesaurus or seek feedback to ensure your word choice accurately reflects the desired connotation.

When determining the number of significant digits in ameasurement?

It is important to consider the precision of the measuring equipment.

Why must researchers consider the precision of their instruments when they are determining the significance of data?

Because scientists want to obtain correct, sure, reliable experimental data.

What does the word exhalations mean in Julius Caesar?

breatheMost scholars of early Latin etymology consider Caesar to originally mean 'hairy'. There is a discussion of this derivation in some editions of Robert Graves' 'I Claudius'.

Can you use or to start a sentence?

You can, but traditionally coordinating conjunctions (such as and, but, or) are not used to start a sentence. You might consider using "alternatively" instead. For more synonyms of "or" consult a thesaurus or dictionary.

Which is better precision or accuracy of the experimental specifc heats detemined for your metal sample?

Accuracy because it tells us how close our value is to the accepted/expected value rather than precision that only describes reproducibilty and closeness of results to One another.

What is antonym for ocean?

Roget's Thesaurus lists no antonyms for the word 'ocean'. 'Desert' might possibly be considered to be an antonym (loosely). If one considers the "ocean" to be the abundance of water, one might consider the "desert's" absence of water to be the opposite.

Why a bank is called a bank?

If consider the functionality or the roles in banking industry, only to very limited extend, there is nothing wrong to consider the Reserve Bank of India as Central Bank or Apex Bank with a connotation as Bankers' Bank. But, in these days, Reserve Bank of India is much more than these two terms.

What is the adjective of consider?

The verb to consider has a related adjective formed from the past participle, considered. There is a derivative form (considerate) that means "prone to consider others." There is another derivative form (considerable) that has a modern connotation of "substantial" (e.g. considerable wealth).

What is the difference between accuracy and precision and which is most important to scientific measurement?

Both accuracy and precision are important to scientific measurement. I'll try to explain the difference with a couple of illustrations. I should start by saying, sometimes the words are used interchangeably but they shouldn't be. I consider precision to mean resolution. That is how fine/small a reading you can get.Assume an electronic thermometer (digital display) can display answers to the nearest one hundredth of a degree. But, the thermometer isn't able to measure with that accurately. Maybe it's only accurate to the nearest whole degree. In this case the precision is greater than is supported by the accuracy of the device.Now take the opposite case where the thermometer is able to measure temperature accurately to one hundredth of a degree but the instrument can only display whole degrees. In this case the precision does not support the accuracy.Ideally the accuracy and precision of an instrument are the same but often that's not the case.