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its nitrogen and is about 78% but the gas enter in our blood thourgh alveoli is oxygen.

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Q: What gas makes up most the air you breathe?
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What is second most common gas found in the air you breathe?

Nitrogen which makes up about 78 percent of the atmosphere.

What is the second most common gas found in the air we breathe?

Oxygen is the second most common/abundant gas in the air that we breathe. Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the air we breathe. The composition of air is often treated as 79 mole or volume percent N2 and 21 mole or volume percent O2.

What is the third most common gas in the air you breathe?

This gas is argon - 0,9340 %.

Is the greatest amount of gas in the air oxygen?

No it isn't. It is Nitrogen, which makes up 70% of the air we breathe.

What is the most common gas found in the air you breathe?

Oxygen it helps the trees breathe too.

Which gas in the air is most abundant?

78% of the air that we breathe is nitrogen gas.

What is the most common gas in the air you breathe?

Nitrogen. It makes up about 79% of air with around 20% oxygen and 1% rest of the gases.

Does nitrogen exist as a gas?

Yes, it does. It makes up to 78% of the air you breathe. It is a colorless, odorless and rather inert gas.

What is the second most common gas found in the air we breath?

Oxygen is the second most common/abundant gas in the air that we breathe. Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the air we breathe. The composition of air is often treated as 79 mole or volume percent N2 and 21 mole or volume percent O2.

What is the most abundant gas in our atomopshere?

In the Earth's Atmosphere; Nitrogen, this makes up about 78% of the Air we breathe.

What gas makes up more than three fourths of the air we breathe?

That would be the element, "Nitrogen".

Which gas is 20 percent of the air you breathe?

oxygen is 20% of the air you breathe