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Geraghty Period

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Q: What geologic time period were all the continents joined together?
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What was the climate during the permian period?

During the Permian, all the continents were joined together in the supercontinent Pangaea, which was covered mostly by desert.

What happened to the joined continents?

They were spread apart over a period of time when the earth's crust was moving.

What were major geological events of the quaternary period?

Some of the major geologic events include ice ages, the formation of the great lakes, and the continents moving to where they are now.

Which period was 300 million years ago?

There was one spercontinent called Pangaea, which consists of all of the current continents joined together. It existed until 250 million years ago, where it splitted up into Laurasia and Gondwanaland, and further splitted into the current seven continents.

What is the meaning of Cenozoic?

CenozoicOf, belonging to, or designating the latest era of geologic time, which includes the Tertiary Period and the Quaternary Period and is characterized by the formation of modern continents, glaciation, and the diversification of mammals, birds, and plants.Source:

In what geologic time period did the tethys sea occur?

The TethysOcean was an ocean that existed between the continents of Gondwana and Laurasia during the Mesozoic era before the opening of the Indian Ocean.

What period did the continents move together to form Pangaea?

Pangaea came together over a period of time spanning the Carboniferous and Permian periods. It broke up mostly during the Jurassic period.

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