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The Nazi party thought Jewish people were to blame. That was the main. Adolf Hitler was also against Gypsies, people with disorder's, and more.

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Q: What group of people did the nazi party blame for there problems in World War 2?
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What group did Hitler blame for Germany's' problems?


Why might the people of a country want to blame a minority group for most of its problems?

Those in the minority group are more convinced about the negative characteristics with which they have no direct contact. Also, it is in fact that human nature itself appoints blame instead of accepting it. Hope this helps your question.(:

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It depends. A lot of them agreed with Hitler because it is within our nature to blame someone-the Germans blamed the Jews for economic problems. However a few thought it was unfair to blame a religious group for the collapse of the world economy.

What book did Hitler write and what group did he blame for Germany's problems?

Mein Kampf and he blamed Jews and communists.

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There is no single person or group responsible for all world problems. In a way, all people in the world - or at least most of them - are responsible in part.

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What term describes the tendency to find a group other than ones own to blame for social problems?


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The blame can't be placed on just one group of people in regards to deforestation. It varies depending on locations. Farmers may be to blame in some locations and the construction of buildings and homes is also to blame.

Where do you think genocide finds its inspiration?

When many people have a problem and want to blame it on another group of people.

Why is scapegoating people wrong?

Scapegoating is when a person (an individual, a country's leader, a politician) or an entire society places the blame for a social problem on a particular group, even though that group is really not the main cause of the problem. For example, Adolph Hitler scapegoated the Jews and blamed them for all of Germany's economic problems. Currently, in many countries, people are scapegoating immigrants (whether legal or undocumented), and in certain countries, a particular tribe or ethnic group is scapegoated, often leading to civil unrest. While it is certainly true that some individual members of a group may have contributed to a problem, scapegoating places the blame squarely on the entire group and often encourages prejudice or even hatred of that group. Political leaders, especially those in countries where there is no freedom of thought, often use scapegoating to distract from the country's real problems and keep the public busy by giving them a group at whom they can safely direct their anger. The problem of scapegoating is it leads to no solutions-- it just promotes a culture of blame; it can sometimes lead to violence, and it rarely results in positive change.

What was group for the peaceful settlement of world problems?

League of Nations