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Autumnal Equinox

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Q: What happens to the earth during September 21?
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When on a equator day will the overhead the earth at midday?

If you are at the equator, the SUN will be directly overhead during the equinoxes - around 21 March, and 23 September.

What months do the sun strike the equator directly?

That happens at some point on the equator, at a single moment, on two days of the year ... near March 21 and near September 21.

What happens at the North and South Pole during both of the equinoxes?

Due to the continual tilt of the earth toward Polaris sometimes the North Pole faces the sun and sometimes it is hidden behind the rest of the earth. When the North Pole is in darkness, the South Pole is in light, and vice versa.

During which portion of the earths revolution around the sun is the northern hemisphere tilted toward the sun?

During the portion that the Earth traverses during the periodfrom roughly March 21 until roughly September 22.

What happens when the sun is directly above the equator?

That happens at some point on the equator, at a single moment, on two days of the year ... near March 21 and near September 21.

When is the sun directly overhead at the equator?

That happens twice a year, at the time of the 'equinoxes'. It's one moment on or aboutMarch 21, and another one on or about September 21.No definite date can be given, because the calendar is not exactly synchronized to the sunso the date 'wanders' slightly, and also because at the moment when it happens, it's noteven the same date everywhere in the world.

This occurs when there is 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night?

Equinox. It happens every March 21-22 and September 22-23. ~Earth Science Ninth Edition 2000

What is the temperature in the northern hemisphere during fall?

Around September 21, and around December 21, respectively.

When is the next equinox?

There are two different types of equinoxes; the Vernal Equinox which happens on March 21 or 22. There is also a Autumnal Equinox which happens on September 21, 22 or 23.

How does the length of daylight time at the earth's poles change as the earth orbits the sun?

Exactly at the poles, the cycle is very simple and regular. At the north pole, the sun rises on March 21 and sets on September 21. At the south pole, the sun rises on September 21 and sets on March 21. And that's the whole story.

What happens when the North Pole and the South Pole are the same distance from the Sun?

You're describing an Equinox -- either March 21 or September 21.

How many hours of light does the north pole receive during summertime?

Disregarding the effects of atmospheric refraction . . . If you're standing at the north pole, then the sun is up in your sky from March 21 to September 21, and below your horizon from September 21 until March 21.