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Q: What has cold dense air that displaces warm air forcing the warm air up?
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What type of weather system includes cold dense air that displaces warm air forcing the warm air up?


What is less dense warm air or cold air?

Warm air is less dense (lighter) than cold air..that is why warm air rises and cold air settles

What is more dense cold water or warm?

cold ocean water is more dense than warm water

When dense cold air meets lees dense warmer air the warm air is pushed?

the warm air is pushed down because its lees dense than the cold air if cold air is more dense.

When dense cold air meets less dense warmer air the warm is pushed?

When dense,cold air meets less dense,warmer air, the warm air is pushed up

When dense cold air meets less dense warm air the air is pushed?

When dense,cold air meets less dense,warmer air, the warm air is pushed up

Is cold water more or less dense than warm water?

cold ocean waer has more dense than warm water.

Is it true that a moving cold front moves cold air over warm air?

No, cold air displaces warm air from the bottom because it's denser.

What fronts occur when heavy cold air displaces lighter warm air and pushing it upward?

Cold front.

What often falls when a cold front displaces a warm air mass?

Rain or snow.

What is more dense cold air of warm air?

Cold Air

Is warm salt water more dense than cold salt water?

Cold water is more dense.