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The superfamily pentatomoidea (stink bugs) are insects with a scent gland between the first and second leg pair, producing a foul-smelling liquid, used to deter predators.

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Q: What insects produce bad smell?
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How do smell flowers?

1. Many flowers produce nectar to attract insects for pollination. This is produced from nectar glands in the flower head. 2. If you didn't smelled flowers then go and smell them.

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The main component of nectar is liquid sugar and most insects are attracted to the sweet smell and taste of it. Certainly honey bees are not attracted to flowers which have a nice smell but don't produce much nectar.

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Insects use their antenna to smell. Located on their antenna are olfactory sensilla which can detect chemical signals that are emitted by plants and other insects.

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No Albania does not smell bad !!

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its spelled insects