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Q: What is a 6 letter word meaning arm bones?
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What is the scientific name for your hand bone?

You have more than one. The bones that are nearest to the arm are called carpal bones (en exist of the scyphoid, pisiform, triquetrum...), the ones that form the parm are calle metacarpals and the bones in the fingers are called phalanges.

What is the language of origin for the word art?

Art is a cool word to do some research on I think. The English word comes from the Latin noun "ars" which ultimately comes from the PIE roots *ar- ti-. *ar- is also akin to the English "arm" and its meaning is "to fit together or join". This is assuming that this question does not refer to the second person ME variant of "you are (as in thou art)". That is another story.

What is a crazy word or phrase that starts with k?

There are no scary words. Some things may present things that are scary to some people.Take the word knit:Some people would think of their granny knitting a warm sweater for them (not scary)Others of breaking their arm and having to wait fo the bones to knit (potentially scary situation)Still others of a bully knitting his eyebrows as je gets mad at you (probably scary)

Does the location of a tattoo have any special meaning or symbolism?

Sometimes it can have signifacant meaning and other times not. It just depends on the person getting the tatoo like an eagal for my dad (he has an eagle on his left arm) it symbolizes freedom.

What is the major artery of the left arm?

This comes from my A&P lab manual... "In the armpit, the subclavian artery becomes the axillary artery, which serves the upper limb." The previous answer was "brachial," which could also be a correct answer. "The brachial artery divides into the radial and ulnar arteries, which follow the same-named bones to supply the forearm and hand."

Related questions

What is a word meaning the muscles on the upper arm?

The biceps is a word meaning the muscles on the upper arm.

What is the meaning of the wrist bone?

The meaning of the term wrist bone refers to the bones in the arm that connect to the hand. The wrist bones are some of the most commonly injured parts of the body.

How many bones are in each arm?

the arm has three bones.

How are the biceps and the bones of the arm related?

The muscles attach to the bones of the arm

Does your arm have 3 short bones?

Yes, the arm has three major bones: the humerus in the upper arm, and the radius and ulna in the lower arm.

What is the medical term meaning the bone in the arm?


Are there any body parts beginning with the letter U?

One of the bones in the arm is called the "ulna".

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What bones do baseball help?

Leg bones and arm bones

What is the job of the arm and leg bones?

The arm and leg bones keep your arms and legs straight

What is the medical term meaning bone of the lower arm?

There are two bones in the lower arm located between the elbow and the wrist and they are the radius (which is the wider of the two) and the ulna.

How many bones are in your lower arm?

There are two bones in the lower arm: the ulna and the radius.