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You could choose just about any precious or semi-precious stone as an example - for instance, diamond which is pure carbon and crystallizes in the isometric system, meaning that it shows equal fracture lines in all three planes.

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13y ago

It is a mineral, learned it in science

Yep you are absolutely right, its a mineral!


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11y ago

NaCl, or table salt. its a crytal and doesn't contain carbon. organic = contains carbon.

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a mineral

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Q: What is a naturally occurring inorganic solid that has an orderly crystalline structure and a definite chemical composition?
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Which material has definite properties and definite chemical composition?

Minerals have a definite chemical composition, are solid, are inorganic, are naturally occurring, and have a crystalline structure.

Do people make pyrite with machines?

Pyrite is a mineral with the composition FeS2. To be a mineral, it must be naturally occurring.

How come cupcake is not considered a mineral?

A cupcake is not a naturally-occurring substance, with a specific chemical composition and crystal structure; Therefore, it is not a mineral. Its natural ingredients are minerals, though.Refer to the dictionary definition of a mineral below:Definition of Mineral-any of a class of substances occurring in nature, usually comprising inorganic substances, as quartz or feldspar, of definite chemical composition and usually of definite crystal structure, but sometimes also including rocks formed by these substances as well as certain natural products of organic origin, as asphalt or coal.-Dictionary.comActually- In accordance with the above definition-Most of the ingredients in a cupcake are not minerals either- They are not "naturally occurring" nor do most of them follow the definition of a mineral.Eggs, sugar, milk, flour, yeast... none of these are minerals.

How many natural elements are there?

Out of the first 92 elements, 1 being hydrogen (H) and 92 being uranium (U), there are 90 that are naturally occurring. Technetium (Tc) and promethium (Pm) are man-made elements and do not have any isotopes occurring naturally.

Do a mineral have to be formed by a manufactured process to be considered a mineral?

No, indeed the contrary. A mineral is defined as a "naturally occurring, homogeneous solid with a defined chemical composition and a highly ordered atomic arrangement." So, a material such as tungsten carbide which is only man-made (as far as I know), would not be classified as a mineral.

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What is true of all minerals?

All minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic solids with a specific chemical composition and a crystalline structure.

What is a mineral-?

A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic, solid substance, with a crystalline structure and a narrow range of chemical composition.

What naturally occurring inorganic crystalline solid is a?

a mineral

What is the definition of minerals?

Minerals are the components in the Earth that combine to form rocks. Minerals are inorganic naturally occurring substances, have a definite range of chemical composition, are solids, and have a crystalline structure.Minerals are solid, inorganic substances made from a combination of chemical elements.a solid, naturally occurring inorganic substance.

What are all of the properties of minerals?

A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic, solid substance, with a crystalline structure and a narrow range of chemical composition.

What is the definition of economic minerals?

An economic mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic, solid material with a defined chemical composition and crystalline structure.

What 4 things must be true for something to be called a mineral?

To be naturally-occurring, the substance must not be man made. The inorganic requirement states that the substance must not be constructed by an organism. The solid characteristic eliminates any substance that is liquid or gas. Definite chemical composition means that the substance must have chemical composition that falls within a specific range. The characteristic that requires the substance to have an ordered internal structure states that the atoms are arranged in a repeating pattern.

What are the properties of all minerals today?

A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic, solid substance, with a crystalline structure and a narrow range of chemical composition.

Which material has definite properties and definite chemical composition?

Minerals have a definite chemical composition, are solid, are inorganic, are naturally occurring, and have a crystalline structure.

What is characteristic of a mineral?

A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a specific chemical composition and a crystalline structure. It is typically formed through geologic processes and has a defined physical and chemical properties.

Because minerals are formed by processes that occur in the natural world what are they said to be?

Minerals are said to be naturally occurring inorganic solid substances with a specific chemical composition and crystalline structure.

What four characterisitics must a substance have to be a mineral?

5 characteristics of a mineral are: 1. Has to be a solid 2. Has to be inorganic 3. Has to occur in nature 4. Has to have a definite chemical composition 5. Has to have a crystalline structure