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Q: What is a singing technique that's part of speech and part song?
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What is the technique that is part speech and part song?

If in reference to the singing technique, this is called 'sprechstimme.'

Is a singing technique that's part speech and part song?


What part of speech is technique?

"Technique" is a noun of the abstract type.

What part of speech is singing?

The word singing is a verb. It is the present participle of the verb sing.

what part of speech is Aha?

ye thats true

What part of speech would with be?

its a preposition. at least thats what my teacher said...

What describes the use of the word wall technique?

Placing vocabulary words into groups by their part of speech.

What are the limits of freedom of speech?

It Deppends, You cant say badwords, You cant say anthing thats harmless so there are a few limits but remember some people dont have freedom of speech.

What is recitations?

It is defined as - a declamatory speech-like singing used esp. in Opera or oratorio for advancing the plot and/or a passage or part of a musical score given in this form.or: a number from an opera that moves the story along

What is the part of speech and definition of manufacture?

part of speech

What is the part of speech of momentous?

The part of speech for this particular word is a noun.

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what part of speech is beneath