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Well I don't know a website, but there is a thing that you can download called Audocity. You can add a backing track and record your voice! You can do lots of other stuff as well. It's really good!

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14y ago

Cubase and Protools are good Audio-Editing software packages. However they are rather expensive so I might recommend Fruityloops or Cakewalk.

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Q: What is a website can record yourself singing on?
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Try going on record singing in talent shows and remember have fun with yourself

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solo singing is singing by yourself

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You can go on shows like "America's Got Talent", or post yourself singing online on sites like Youtube.

How can you get better at singing?

Practice. You can sing scales over and over but that does not help everyone; so just practice singing a song you like (depending...MAriah CArey and Whitney Houston...OFF LIMITS) and record yourself.

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You make a demo and get lots of copies made and you network yourself to record producers and agents. Try out for American Idol or one of those singing shows, they have them for all genres. Good luck.

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You could record yourself singing and send it to a producer - or you could use myspace, I guess ?

How do you make yourself a excellent singer?

you cant make yourself an excellent singer but you can improve your singing. singing is a natural talent

How do you know if we are talented in singing?

You tape record yourself and decide that for yourself. Listen to fellow peers sing the same song you did and comppare. If you don't feel too happy upon your results, I suggust you take voice lessons.

What is the best way to get exposure for singing?

post videos of yourself singing on youtube.