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Q: What is a word that is spelled with a but sound like e?
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Does pin have a short e sound?

No, the word 'pin' does not have the short 'e' sound. Pin is spelled with an 'i' and so it has the short 'i' sound. Other words that sound like pin are lit, pink, and bib.

What word has a short e sound but is spelled with an ie?

The word "friend" has a short e sound but is spelled with an ie.

How do you pronounce the word and in spanish?

long "E" sound its spelled as "y"

What words have a short e sound but are spelled with an ay like in says?

The word "says" (sez) is a unique sound for the AY, but it is related to the past tense "said" (sed) where the AI also has a short E sound, as in the words "again" and "against." The A word many also has a short E sound.

What words have a short e sound but spelled like she?

There are no words ending in E where the E has a short E sound. The words spelled with "she" that have short E's include shed, shelf, shell, shelter, shelve, and shepherd.

What words have a long e sound but are spelled with ui like in mosquito?

quiche. suite is a similar sound

Does the words leash and goose have the long e sound?

Leash does have the long e sound, as if it were spelled leesh, but goose does not. Goose has a silent e sound, as if it were spelled goos.

How do you pronounce the french word femme?

femme = woman Even though "femme" is spelled with an "e". It is pronounced " F-a-mm" (A sound like in apple)

What words have a short e sound but are spelled with eo like in leopard?

The only common words are forms of the word jeopardy. Other words with an EO pair have a schwa sound (burgeon, bludgeon, pigeon) not a short E.

Does friend have a long vowel sound?

No, it does not. The IE vowel pair has a short E sound, to rhyme with bend and send.(In the similarly-spelled word fiend, the IE has a long E sound.)

What words have a short e sound but are spelled with a u like bury?

The word "bury" and its other forms (buried) are probably unique in this regard, although the UE pair in the words guess and guest also have a short E sound.

What words are spelled with ai that sounds like a short e?

The best known are the words again and against (uh-gen,uh-genst), and the word said (sed). The word "says" also has a short E sound (sez).