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Quite simply, this is any space vehicle that does not have a live crew of humans or animals on board. All communications, military and meteorological machines that are orbiting the Earth are unmanned satellites, as are the probes that we have sent to other planets in our Solar System.

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Q: What is an unmanned satellite?
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What is a unmanned space probe?

an unmanned space probe is a satellite orbiting around the planet

Who were the people aboard sputnik?

No one was onboard Sputnik, it was an unmanned satellite.

What is a satellite probe?

an unmanned device that uses technology and sends information back to earth

Is a space shuttle a space probe or space satellite?

neither it is usually referred to as a launch vehicle. a space probe is unmanned and transmits data back to earth and a space satellite is something that orbits the earth. you could call the shuttle a satellite but it is not normally referred to as that.

What is a Crew-less Spaceship Called?

Unmanned Aircraft and spaceships are called a variety of names. These are the most common: Drone, Rocket, Droid, Probe, and Satellite.

How can you compare and contrast rockets satellite and space stations?

Space stations are manned vehicles used for scientific research. Satellites are unmanned robotic vehicles for scientific research.

Was sputnik the soviet unmanned satellite that terrified US and started the space race?

yes it showed that soviet science was more advanced than that of the americans'. for a while anyway...

Is the space shuttle a space probe or a satellite?

A space probe is an unmanned spacecraft designed to explore the solar system and transmit data back to earth.A satellite is an object that orbits around a planet.By these definitions the space shuttle is not a space probe and is only sometimes a satellite. It is considered a satellite only when it is in orbit around Earth.However, the space shuttle is not usually referred to as a 'satellite' no matter if it is in orbit or not. Normally it is called a 'launch vehicle.'

What is the artificial satellite's name that will reach Pluto in 2015?

The satellite sent to explore Pluto was called Charon. Charon is not the satellite on the way to Pluto. Charon is a satellite (moon) of Pluto. The satellite currently on the way to explore Pluto is called New Horizons. It is expected to arrive July, 2015.

What's the process of collecting data about Earth from a distance such as a orbiting satellite?

Manned spacecraft generally require a much higher data collection time than unmanned stations

What is unmanned about Saturn?

There are no people on it. That means it is unmanned.