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The hole in the shutter allowing light into the camera.

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Q: What is camera aperture?
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How do you use aperture in a sentence?

The aperture of my camera lens will not open!

How aperture works?

The shutter of a camera opens and closes allowing light into the camera, the hole in the shutter is the aperture.

Can you use a aperture on a digital camera?

An aperture is a hole where light travels through. Therefore in any camera there is always an aperture - including digital cameras - even if it is fixed

What is aperture priority of digital camera?

Exposure, in digital or film photography, is determined by aperture and shutter speed. On a manual camera, the user selects both values.On an automatic camera, there are four possibilities:Manual mode. User selects both aperture and shutter speed.Shutter priority. User picks the shutter speed and the camera adjusts the aperture to ensure proper exposure.Aperture priority. User picks the aperture and the camera adjusts the shutter speed to ensure proper exposure.Program mode. The camera selects both values.

What part of a camera controls the amount of light that enters the camera?

The functional opening is the aperture, the opening that controls the amount of light that hits the photosensitive surface. You may have a camera with interchangeable lenses that screw into and out of the camera's body. The opening into which the lens is screwed is not the aperture.

What is the largest aperture in film photography?

The largest camera aperture is f stop 1.4, which lets the most amount of light into the camera.

What part of the eye is most like an aperture of a camera?

The iris is like the aperture part of a camera, which used to also be called the iris.

How do you change the aperture?

It depends on what camera you are using

What could be improved on the pinhole camera?


What is 'apature' a synonym for?

"Aperture" is a synonym for a break or a crack. "Aperture" is used in many modern day phrases such as camera aperture and of course, "Aperture Science" from the game Portal.

What is another name for a camera's opening?

The opening of a camera is usually known as the aperture.

What is the meaning of f3.5-5.6?

On for instance a 35-70mm camera lens the maxmimum aperture at 35mm is f3.5 and the maximum aperture at 70mm is f5.6. (f3.5-5.6) Maximum Aperture of a Variable Focal Length Camera Lens.