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Q: What is complete closure of an artery?
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Related questions

What is a retinal artery occlusion?

Retinal artery occlusion refers to the closure of the central retinal artery and usually results in complete loss of vision in one eye.

What is carotid artery occlusion blockage?

Carotid artery occlusion blockage means that there is complete blockage of the artery. This is very serious, as complete blockage of the artery can cause a stroke.

How does the rule of closure affect perception?

Closure has the tendency to perceive a complete or whole figure even when there are gaps in what your senses tell you

What is the difference between occluded and dissected vertebral artery?

Dissected means cut up while occlusion is a closure or obstruction.

What does hermetic mean?

Hermetic means complete and airtight, insulated or protected from outside influences. As in (of a seal or closure)

How a kaleen closure is different from positive closure?

The main difference between Kaleen closure and positive closure is; the positive closure does not contains the null, but Kaleen closure can contain the null.

Where did the cloze testing method originate?

It came from Gestaltist Principle of The law of closure: People tend to fill in missing pieces to form a complete picture. However, it is back formation from closure to cloze, not cloze method though.

What is the closure of the set?

it is the closure of the set

Is the closure on the Adult Adam and Eve costume a zipper closure or velcro?

There is a zipper closure.

What part of speech is closure?

Closure is a noun.

What adaptive advantage is gained by the ductus arteriosus' closure at birth in a fetal pig?

The ductus arteriosus closes at birth in pigs and becomes the ligamentum arteriosum. This allows the pulmonary artery to function properly.

What does it mean dreaming about your x-husband again?

It means you have unresolved issues with him. Be it anger or unrequited love you must complete the cycle and find your closure.