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Gum or Resin is like the sap that comes from trees and other plants

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Q: What is gum or resin?
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Related questions

Is gum made out of tree sap?

More on the yes side. Gum has tree resin in it, tree resin is what makes it stretchy. If you put more of it in regular gum, you get bubble gum!

Does gum contain pigs fat?

No - in fact, nowadays, gum doesn't even contain "gum" (chicle). Gum today is made of a specially concocted plastic resin with flavorings added to it. The resin is harmless, of course.

What is New Zealand resin?

Kauri gum.

What was the gum of the Wampanoag Indians made out of?

The gum was made from the resin of spruce trees

When was resin gum popular nibfkmdn?

It was popular in the 1940s

What are synonyms for gum?

glue, adhesive, resin, cement, paste

What is the name of a Gum resin used in cooking and medecine?

asafetida powder

What is the name of the aromatic gum resin mentioned in the old testament?

The aromatic gum resin mentioned in the Old Testament is called frankincense. It was commonly used in religious rituals and ceremonies.

Is gum acacia a lipid?

gum acacia is resin secreted from acacia plant, many use for medicinal use it is an alkaloid in nature

What does franikinces mean?

An aromatic gum resin obtained from an african tree and burned as incense

What was resin used for mummification?

Resin is a term applied to the sap of certain trees which hardens over time, many of which have strong and sweet aroma as well as gum-like properties. Examples are the sap of the balsam tree, which is referred to as frankincense, and the sap of the acacia - gum Arabic.

What is the medicinal properties of boswellia?

Boswellia is a guggul, a sticky gum resin that comes from the sap of a tree.