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The maximum density in this list: radium with 5,50 g/cm3.

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Q: What is heavier Beryllium magnesium calcium strontium barium or radium?
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Why is magnesium oxide heavier than magnesium?

Magnesium oxide is heavier than magnesium because it contains an additional oxygen atom per molecule. This extra oxygen atom contributes to the overall molecular weight of magnesium oxide, making it heavier than pure magnesium.

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How many times heavier is a magnesium atom than an oxygen atom?

A magnesium atom is about 24 times heavier than an oxygen atom. Magnesium has an atomic mass of approximately 24 atomic mass units (amu) while oxygen has an atomic mass of about 16 amu.

Does magnesium get heavier when burnt?

Yes, because it reacts with the oxygen in the air to form a new compound.

How many times heavier than hydrogen atoms of Carbon and Calcium?

A carbon atom is about 12 times heavier than a hydrogen atom, while a calcium atom is about 40 times heavier than a hydrogen atom. Therefore, carbon atoms are 12 times heavier than hydrogen atoms, and calcium atoms are 40 times heavier than hydrogen atoms.

Where is helium formed?

Helium is formed inside stars.The stars turn hydrogen into helium. Larger, older stars can create heavier elements. The formation is normally proton capture. But if helium fuses into beryllium-8, it is unstable. Only the "triple-alpha" process will add a third nucleus to form stable carbon-12, or a fourth to form oxygen-16. The formation of heavier elements from carbon (oxygen, neon, and magnesium) requires tremendous heat and pressure.