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A narrow portion of land partly surrounded by water is a peninsula

A narrow portion fo land completely surrounded by water is an island

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Q: What is narrow portion of land surrounded by water?
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A narrow portion of land nearly surrounded by water?


What is a narrow strip of land surrounded on three sides by water called?

A narrow strip of land surrounded on 3 sides by water is a peninsula.

What is the name given to a portion of land that is nearly surrounded by water and is connected to a larger body of land?

An isthmus. A narrow strip of land that connect two larger bodies of land, an isthmus has water on both sides

What name given to a portion of land that is nearly surrounded by water and is connected with a larger body of land?

An isthmus. A narrow strip of land that connect two larger bodies of land, an isthmus has water on both sides

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What is a portion of land surrounded by water and is connected with a larger body of land?

Land surrounded by water is an island . You are describing a peninsula.

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When a portion of land is surrounded by land, and no water.

What name is given to a portion of land that's nearly surrounded by water and is connected with a larger body of land?

An isthmus. A narrow strip of land that connect two larger bodies of land, an isthmus has water on both sides

What portion of land nearly surrounded by water?

Peninsula is derived from Latin for "almost" and "island" and is land that is surrounded mostly by water.

What is an ithsmus?

A narrow strip of land surrounded mostly by water.

What is the term for a body of land that is almost surrounded by water?

A peninsula is a body of land surrounded by water except for one connection to land. An isthmus is a narrow strip of land surrounded by water on both sides, but connected to land on both ends.

What are straits?

narrow strip of water and land surrounded on 2 sides of it..