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Q: What is the acronym for the system of US Department of Defense satellites which are used to establish exact locations on Earth?
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What are dmsp satellites used for?

DMSP, or Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, satellites were initiated by the Department of Defense. These satellites are used to provide important information to the military concerning weather conditions. Most commonly this information is used by the Air Force.Strategic and tactical weather prediction.

What was the point of STS-51-J?

This mission of the space shuttle Atlantis was intended to deploy classified satellites belonging to the department of defense.

Who maintains GPS satellites?

GPS satellites are owned by the United States government. The US Department of Defense (DOD) is responsible for GPS operations and management.

What kind of satellites are used for Global Positioning Systems?

GPS uses satellites that were placed into orbit by the Department of Defense. The government set up the entire network on their own, and it is free to use as long as you already have a GPS device.

What department helps establish a more secure national defense?

That would be the Department of Defense. Some might argue that Homeland Security does this, but other are sure to argue that HS does more to destroy internal security than to defend national security.

Who controls all decisions of the Department of Defense?

The Department of Defense is run by the Secretary of Defense.

What limit did the framers of the constitution place specifically on the department of defense?

The framers of the constitution did not explicitly place a limit on the Department of Defense, as it did not exist in its current form during their time. However, they did establish checks and balances within the government to prevent the concentration of power, which indirectly applies to all branches, including the Department of Defense. Additionally, the constitution outlines the power of Congress to declare war and appropriate funds for defense, giving some control over the department.

What is the nickname for the Department of Defense?

The Department of Defense is often referred to as The DOD.

What is the name of the cabinet department that is charge of the US military?

The Department of Defense is in charge of the U.S. military.

What was the original name for the Department of Defense?

What is now called the Department of Defense was originally named the Department of War.

How many GPS Satellites does the US Deptartment of Defense have?

There are currently 30 healthy GPS satellites in orbit.

What is the difference between the State Department and the Department of Defense?

The State Department deals with diplomacy while the Department of Defense affiliated with the military.