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Radium (Ra) Z = 88.

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Beryllium would be the one (atomic #4).

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Q: What is the alkaline earth metal with the largest atomic radius?
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The alkaline earth element having the largest atomic radius is found in period?

7th period because atomic size down the group increases. And Alkali Earth metals are found only in Group 1. The element is in Group 1 and period 7

Why is there a pattern between the atomic radius and melting points within alkaline earth metals or period 2 metals?

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What is the most reactive alkaline earth metal?

Radium (Ra), atomic number 88, is the most reactive alkaline earth metal. It has the most energy levels of all the alkaline earth metals therefore it's electrons are more easily taken away.

Which of the alkaline earth metals has the smallest electronegativity?

The electronegativityÊ of alkaline earth metals decreases as you go down the group due to increase in atomic radius. The earth alkaline metals are beryllium, magnesium, strontium, barium and radium. Radium has the smallest electronegative.

Which alkaline earth metal is the most likely to attract an electron pair?

The electronegativityÊ of alkaline earth metals decreases as you go down the group due to increase in atomic radius. The earth alkaline metals are beryllium, magnesium, strontium, barium and radium. Radium has the smallest electronegative.

Which of the alkaline earth metals is the largest?


Which alkali earth metal has the smallest atomic radius?

The alkali earth metal with the smallest atomic radius would be beryllium(Be), number four

Alkaline earth metals atomic number 4?

Beryllium ( Be)

Is magnesium an Atomic mass halogen?

No, it's an alkaline earth metal.

Which alkaline earth metal has the lowest atomic number?

This element is beryllium (Be).

What alkaline earth metal has the largest electron affinity?


Which is lightest alkaline earth metal?

The lightest alkaline earth metal is Beryllium(Be) having atomic mass 9.012 dalton. The heaviest element in this family is radium.