

Best Answer

There are three basic parts. The brain stem, cerebrum, and cerebellum.

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Q: What is the anterior of the brain?
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What is anterior posterior direction?

Anterior refers to what is in front for example your abdomen is anterior whereas your back is posterior relative to eachother. Another example is that your nose is anterior to your brain. Anterior and posterior are relative terms.

What gland contains the anterior pituitary?

The anterior pituitary is with the posterior pituitary gland. They both are found at the base of the brain.

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Annelids have well developed brain or cerebral ganglion contained in one of their anterior segments

Is it true that Annelids have a well-developed cerebral ganglion or brain in one of their anterior segments?

Annelids have well developed brain or cerebral ganglion contained in one of their anterior segments

Anterior portion of the leopard frog brain?

olfactory lobes

What part of the brain is located outside the cranium?

Anterior root

Is the brain connected to the spinal cord?


What the meaning of cerebrum?

The anterior, and in man the larger, division of the brain; the seat of the reasoning faculties and the will. See Brain.

What is an anterior cingulate cortex?

The anterior cingulate gyrus is part of the brain that is near the corpus callosum and communicated with the thalamus, the neocortex, and the cerbral cortex.

What is the most anterior portion of the leopard frog brain?

olfactory lobe