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The most associated art with the great depression are the photographs of Dorthea Lange. She and many other artists found work through the WPA projects offered by the government.

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Q: What is the art of the depression?
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How did the art literature of the depression differ from the movie and radio production of the time?

Art and literature had a greater tendency to use the depression as subject matter where as electronics and media mostly avoided this.

How did the art and Literature of the Depression differ from the movie and radio productions of the time?

Writers and artists captured the effects of the Great Depression by portraying the people. Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath is a stark picture of a family of 'Okies' moving to California.

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Georgia O' Keefe did art work of people during the great depression, showing how people lived and how conditions were.

How did the federalart project help depression era artist?

The federal Art Project paid artest to produce public art

Who studied at the Harlem Art Workshop and was one of many prominent artists to work for the WPA during the Great Depression?

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What is meant by art therapy degree?

Using art therapy in mental cases such as depression can boost one'ss self in many ways. Such as self esteem; self love; comfortably happy in the company of others and in your daily routine. Pleasant art makes the person simply feel pleasant.

What was the relationship between the economy and artistic expression during the Depression?

If you mean the Depression surrounding World War II, or any other depression, there is no simple answer. No single relationship can be named. While the Great Depression called for art wanting peace, it also resulted in art that showed peace in the rough times. Artistic expression can also be poetry. Poets might not have jobs, as we see in these tough times. They would have more time to work on their poems. That means that while poetry might be desperate, it would most likely be beautiful, and perfected.There is no simple answer. This is really just an opinion, or perception, just like artistic expression.

Oh brother where art thou?

"O brother where art thou" is the name of a book to be made into a movie -- in the 1941 movie "Sullivan's Travels" The book is a story of the Great Depression

What was the purpose of implementing arts during the great depression?

Implementing arts during the Depression was basically a way to allow Americans an outlet for all their hardships. People went to art galleries and went to see "pictures" (movies) and it allowed them to escape from the harsh, but improving, life of the Depression. As part of Roosevelt's New Deal, the Federal Theatre Project, the Federal Art Project, the Federal Music Project, and the Federal Writers' Project employed thousands of musicians, artists, actors, writers, and dancers under the WPA. This not only proved an escape for many Americans, but it also put the artistic community back to work.


The Great Depression

Is Depression capitalized?

Depression is capitalized in phrases such as The Great Depression, but the medical condition and the scientific are not.

What depression happened in 1965?

The grea depression