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Q: What is the average velocity of an earthquakes s wave in its first 4 minutes of travel?
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What is the average velocity of an earthquake's S-wave in the first 4 minutes of travel?

250 KL/Min

What is average velocity?

Average velocity is def.ined as the ratio of total displacement to total time taken.

Why all objects travel at the same velocity?

All objects do not travel at the same velocity. As an example, you should take a few minutes and think about an earthworm and a jet airliner.

What is the change in velocity divded by the time taken to travel the distance?

Change of velocity / time = average acceleration.

How can you get average velocity?

You can calculate average speed by dividing the total distance travelled by the total time of travel. To go from speed to velocity, you would also need to determine the vector (direction of travel).

How do calculate average velocity?

Divide the net displacement by the time of travel.

What is the velocity if you travel 882 ft in 5 seconds?

Assuming that you travel 882 feet in a straight line, the average velocity is 882.5 = 176.4 feet per second.

How fast does light travel in five minutes?

Light travels at a constant velocity, no matter what time it is given to travel. Light would travel at exactly 299,792,458 ms-1 in five minutes, but only in a vacuum.

How long will it take for Apollo 11 to travel to the sun if it moves at the same average velocity from earth to the sun?

It would depend on what that velocity was.

How far have you traveled if you go mph for minutes?

distance (s) = velocity (v) x time (t). If you travel v mph for t minutes you travel v x t/60 miles

How far do I travel if I am driving 65 miles per hour for 180 minutes?

Change the minutes to hours, so the units are common. Velocity = distance / time, so distance = velocity * time = 65 * 3 = 195 miles

What is the average speed of 30km in 48 minutes?

If you travel 30 km in 48 minutes, you travel an average of 7.5 km every 12 minutes. There are 5 12-minute segments in one hour, meaning you are travelling at an average rate of 37.5 km/h.