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Q: What is the babysitter cheat on The Sims 3?
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Is there a cheat for a nanny on sims 3?

you can open the cheat mode. then hold L2 and click on the postbox. then select 'Force NPC' and select Babysitter - you will get them for free!

How can you make your sim a babysitter on Sims 3?

You can get jobs on the sims 3 but you can't be a babysitter with or without cheats enabled. :)

Can you have a nanny in Sims 3?

yes but there called a Babysitter

Can you be a babysitter on The Sims 3?

I don't think so. You can't really be a babysitter unless you use a cheat. Maybe if you get the option of playing as Candy Asleydale you can, but not without a cheat or a babysitter character. Also, same for maid, firefighter, social worker, etc. P.S. I know this has nothing to do with your question, but you should try making Bella, Edward, and Jacob sims if you like twilight. If you don't, then nevermind. actualy you can be a babysitter use the cheat testingcheatsenabled true then press enter hold down shift click the mailbox click the option enable nyc or somthing like that then click babysitter. hope this helps :) by everox

Can you hire a babysiter in sims 3?

Yes you can hire a babysitter. You do this by calling for services and selecting "Babysitter".

Is there a cheat code for skills on sims 3?

No, there is no cheat code for skills on The Sims 3.

What is the cheat code for McDonald's on The Sims 2 and 3?

There is no cheat for Mcdonalds in the Sims 2 or 3

What is the cheat to get bigger breasts for The Sims 3?

There is NO cheat on Sims 3 for bigger breasts. Once you buy the expansion pack "Sims 3 Latenight" you can adjust your sims breast size.

Is there a cheat that maximizes all skills on the sims 3?

Unfortunately there is no Sims 3 cheat that maximises all skills...yet.

What is the big money cheat on sims 3 late night?

motherlode -Which is the cheat to get 50,000 -It works on Sims 3, for every pack

How do I get the Sims 3 Cheat box up?

the cheat is 'alt & F4'.

Can you become a babysitter on Sims 3 ambitions?

yes if you played it yo would know.