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A development from the one to the many. Or, a development from the simple to the complex.

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Q: What is the best definition of differentiation?
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By definition they're synonyms, so I don't think there is a differentiation between the two.

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Why don't unicellular organisms go through cellular differentiation?

Cellular differentiation is for cells that are to become specialized parts of a larger organism. Think along the lines of brain cells, skin cells, heart, cells, etc. Unicellular organisms are, by definition, a single-celled organism, and that is why they do not go through cellular differentiation.

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The differentiation of a constant is zero because a constant value does not change with respect to the variable being differentiated. The derivative measures the rate of change of a function, and since a constant has no change, its derivative is zero.

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"Is" is not the best definition of sublime.

Why do we have cell differentiation in the body?

to differentiation the cells

The process which cells develop uniquie characteristics in structure and function is called?

Differentiation part of the Gastrulation process

What is the definition of intercellular communication?

Im not for sure but ii do kno the construction of a multicellular organism requires communication between cells, to regulate patterns of growth and differentiation.!!

What is the result of differentiation?

The result of differentiation is an organism grows larger

Differentiation of cells and tissues in the embryo is called?

cellular differentiation

What is the principle of differentiation?

Differentiation of funtion is rate of chnage of that funtion.

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