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Q: What is the black shadow in an art piece called?
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The black figure technique

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Patricks first piece of work was called "Pizza" which was painted in 1495

Black mixed with a colour is called?

Shades of a color are when you mix a little black with it, at least, in art.

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my but is an art a piece of art

Black and white piece can have the same visual impact as one in color?

An art piece, done in black and white can have every bit as much, and in some cases more visual impact than the same piece rendered in colour. It is easy for the human mind to quickly see an interpret a colour piece, where a black and white piece allows us to see form, stark contrast and other things the artist is trying to display.

A piece of art can be successful even though the person critiquing it may not personally like that piece?

True, a piece of art can be successful despite what a critic says about it since art is subjective.A piece of may still be successful despite critiques because art can mean different things to different people.