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Orchid is the Family or Latin name of a family of over 15,000 species distributed among over 600 Genera of perennial herbs found in all parts of the world, mostly in the tropics.It is also used as the common for all or any one of them.

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Q: What is the common name for orchid?
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what is the common name of orchid

What is the common name of orchids?


What is the common name of Habenaria viridis var bracteata?

Long-bracted Orchid is the common name of Habenariaviridis var. bracteata.Specifically, the common name honors the hallmark length of the wild orchid's bracts. Bracts are modified leaves, which in this case are attractively long, pointed and slender. Other common names include American Frog Orchid, Bracted Orchid, Long-bracted Green Orchid and Satyr Orchid.

What is the common name of Habenaria psychodes?

Purple Fringed Orchid is the common name of Habenaria psychodes.Specifically, the wild orchid's common name honors the lilac or magenta color of its bloom. It also honors the signature flaring and fine fringing of the orchid lip. Other common names include Butterfly Orchid and Soldier's Plume.

What is the common name of Habenaria lacera?

Green fringed orchid is a common name for Habenaria lacera. The flowering plant in question also may be identified as green bog orchid or green crane orchid.

Is orchid a proper noun?

No, orchid is a common noun. It is only a proper noun if it is the name of someone or something such as the movie 'Brother Orchid' (1940).

Ladys Slippers belong to what flower family?

Lady's Slipper is the common name of the orchid family Cypripedium.

What is the common name of Arethusa bulbosa?

Dragon's mouth orchid is a common name for Arethusa bulbosa. It references a showy bog orchid which is much beloved in the United States of America.

What is the scientific name for orchid?

Orchidaceae – Orchid familyThere are many types of orchids. Dendrobium aggregatum is a very common orchid used by florists.

What is the common name of Habenaria x bicolor?

Two-colored crane orchid is a common name for Habenaria x bicolor. The flowering plant in question also may be heard identified as two-colored bog orchid or two-colored fringed orchid.

What is the common name of Ponthieva racemosa?

Hairy Shadow Witch - it is an orchid

What is the common name of Malaxis spicata?

Florida Adder's Mouth (orchid)