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Rad Physics is physics applied to radiation

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Q: What is the difference between physics and rad physics?
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In physics, tension refers to the pulling force applied to an object, often through a rope or cable. Pressure, on the other hand, is the force applied perpendicular to the surface of an object, typically measured as force per unit area. In summary, tension acts along the length of an object, while pressure acts perpendicular to the surface of an object.

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There is no difference in shape.Only difference is that there is no

Is there a difference between physics and basic science?

yes physics is the study of the universe and science is science

What are the importance of physics in the field of study of a rad tech student?

it is important because the technology, that they operate is the product of physics.

What is the difference between physics and economics?

The most basic way of saying it is, Physics is science, economics isn't.

What is the difference between a law of physics and a principle of physics?

A law of physics is a fundamental relationship or rule that describes how physical quantities behave under certain conditions, such as Newton's laws of motion. A principle of physics is a general concept or idea that helps explain physical phenomena, such as the principle of conservation of energy. Laws are more specific and quantifiable, while principles are more general and conceptual.

What is the difference between physics and mathematics?

Physics is a natural science that seeks to understand how the universe behaves through observation, experimentation, and mathematical models. Mathematics is a formal language that studies patterns, structures, and relationships using logic and abstract concepts. In physics, mathematics is used as a tool to describe and predict the behavior of physical systems.

What is the Difference between RAD model and waterfall model?

The RAD model, also known as the Rapid Application Development, is a linear software for creating prototypes. The Waterfall model is a sequential software.

What is the difference between Physics B and Physics C?

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