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Click link below to see 240 Dali paintings. You will have to decide for yourself which ones would be the easiest.

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Q: What is the easiest painting by Salvador Dali to recreate?
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magnify glass
Related questions

What is the genre of Salvador Dali?

Salvador Dali's painting genre is surrealism.

Where is Salvador Dali's painting 'Sentimental Colloquy' located?

at the Salvador Dali Museum St, Petersburg, Floirda

This spanish surrealist is famous for his melting watches?

Salvador Dali is the painter responsible for "The Persistence of Memory" (the melting clocks painting).

Which artist painted 'Soft Watch'?

Salvador DaliSalvador Dali did. The actual title of the painting is The Persistence of Memory.

How was 'The Dream' by Salvador Dali made?

It is an oil painting on canvas.

What was salvador Dali career?

painting was his career. He invented surrealism.

When was Salvador Dali painting 'The Rose' painted?

In 1958.

What does Narcissus have to do with Salvador Dali?

Only the fact that Dali made a painting called The Metamorphosis of Narcissus (1937).

Where is Salvador Dali's painting 'Landscape with Butterflies' located?

It is in a private collection.

Did Salvador Dali paint 'The Centurion'?

He did make it. It is not a painting, though, it is a lithograph.

What is the name of Salvador Dali's painting with a butterfly boat?

flutter butter :

What media is used in Salvador Dali's painting Sleep?

oil on canvas