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The electron transport chain is the driving energy behind ATP synthesis. The energy itself comes from electron donors. In chloroplast, this donor's glucose.

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Q: What is the incoming energy source for electron transport chain?
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What is the pathway of energy transfer from the source in cellular respiration to its end product?

Electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation

What is mass produced in the electron transport chain?

In the electron transport chain, the main product that is mass produced is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is a high-energy molecule that serves as the primary source of cellular energy. It is generated by the electron transport chain through a series of redox reactions involving the transfer of electrons from electron donors to electron acceptors, ultimately resulting in the production of ATP.

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The electron transport chain provides the most energy.

When glucose is used as the energy source the largest amount of ATP is produced?

When glucose is used as the energy source the largest amount of ATP is produced during complete oxidative respiration by utilizing the efficiencies of the electron transport chain. Other metabolic pathways like fermentation capture only a small fraction of potential energy compared to oxidative respiration.

The source of energy for the process of photosynthesis?

Electrons are used as an exchange currency during photosynthesis. The energy that provides the boost for these electrons comes from the electron transport chain.

Does Respiration uses sunlight as it's energy source?

No it does not. Respiration gets its energy from ATP(produced in photosynthesis when electrons travel through the electron transport chain)

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the electron transport chain is the main source of energy for eukaryotic cells

What is the source of energy in electron transport?

IN electron transport chain, NaDH2 and FaDH2 get reduced to give electrons. NaDH2--->DH2+ + 2e- FaDh2---->DH2+ + 2e-

What is the source of the energy used in active transport?

The source of the energy used in active transport is the electrochemical gradient. Another possible source of energy for active transport is the breakdown of ATP molecules.

Which type of membrane transport process uses ATP as a source of energy?

Active transport uses ATP as an energy source.

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How is electron transport similar to electricity?

Electron transport is electricity. Electricity is the flowing of electrons along a substrate such as copper. Electrons will move from one source to another source. In household electricity the electrons travel along the path and back to the original source.