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Titanium, Aluminum and/or Magnesium

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Q: What is the main metal used in spacecraft and satellites?
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Are satellites unmanned space vehicles?

Satellites are unmanned spacecraft, and the term unmanned space vehicle could also apply. A spacecraft is a vehicle or machine that is used in space, and there are many different kinds with a variety of missions. Satellites are used for communications, navigation, and planetary observation (including exporation, meteorology and intelligence gathering) to name a few of their applications. Use the link below to learn more about spacecraft.

What is a vehicle used for space travel?

Spacecraft is the generic term there are both manned and unmanned types such as satellites for the unmanned variety.

What are spaceflights used for?

A spaceflight is a trip into outerspace that is generally done by astronauts on a spacecraft. Spaceflights are used for reasons such as exploring space, maintening space satellites and space tourism.

List three main types of spacecraft currently being used?

Orbiters, spacecraft that orbit bodies Landers, spacecraft that land on bodies Rovers, landers that move

Why was the canadarm made?

The canadarm is made for fixing stuff, like satellites or send them into their proper orbit . It is also used for building other spaces structures in space and to reach out to from the spacecraft to send out and bring back payloads, such as satellites.

What element is used in satellites to keep the weight low?

Generally we are using Aluminum. It is a lightweight metal.

What are some of the main uses of satellites in space?

Satellites are launched into space for a specific job. Most commonly satellites are used to support communication, such as TV and provide source for phone cells.

What metal is wire made of?

Copper is the main metal used in wiring.

What metal is found on satellites that reflects heat from the sun?

Gold foil is normally used to reflect solar heat in satellites because it has the highest reflectivity in the infrared spectrum (and, as NASA used to say, solid Gold was too expensive!)

How do you steer spacecraft?

Generally in space, one needs to use small rockets to change orientation of the spacecraft. Often called Thrusters in the movies, on real spacecraft they are called the Reaction Control System (RCS). Most spacecraft RCS can be used with thrusters in opposition (causing rotation) in the 3 axes: pitch, yaw and roll. The same RCS can be used in a coordination fashion to move the spacecraft up/down, forward/backward and right/left. This is called translation. Another way to steer spacecraft is through the use of a gyroscope. Some satellites use gyroscopes to keep the satellite pointed in the same orientation.

What metal conducts electricity well and is used for wires and pipes?

Copper is the main metal used for this purpose.

What type of communications equipment can you find on an airliner?

You can not find communications equipment, you can find avionics as it's called in english. Avionics is basically the electronic systems used on aircraft, artificial satellites and spacecraft.