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Beaufort Scale

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Q: What is the name of the scale that measures wind force and measures from 0 to 12?
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What does the Beaufort scale rank?

The Beaufort scale is a measure that relates wind speed to observed conditions at sea or on land. Its full name is the Beaufort Wind Force Scale, although it is a measure of wind speed and not of "force" in the scientific sense of the word.

What is the name of the scale used to measure wind strength?

Wind strength is normally measured on the empirical Beaufort wind force scale. This scale relates wind speed and the conditions observed on land and at sea, but it measures wind speed rather than force as it is understood scientifically.

What instrument measures the force of an object pulled along a surface?

A force-meter measures the force of an object pulled along a surface.

What does beaufort scale do?

A beaufort scale measures wind speed.

What is a beafort scale?

is an empirical measure that relates wind speed to observed conditions at sea or on land. Its full name is the Beaufort Wind Force Scale.

Wind scale on which the force of wind is indicated by a series of numbers?

The Beaufort scale.

What measures wind and direction?


What system measures wind velocity?

Beaufort scale

What is an instrument used to determine wind speed?

The anemometer measures wind speed, and the wind-vane measures its direction. Those two measurements combine to indicate the wind velocity. Wind force depends on the method and device used to capture wind-power, or the shape and size of the structure against which the wind blows. For any single device or structure, the force of the wind against it is closely related to the wind's speed and direction.

What is the scale used for measuring the force of wind on a scale of one to twelve?

Beaufort scale :)

What is the name of the wind instrument that measures wind?

An anemometer measures wind speed A wind vane shows the wind direction

What is a wind scale on which the force of wind is indicated by a series of numbers from 0 -12 and a brief description?

This scale is called the Beaufort scale.