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If Pluto's orbit were on the same plane as Earth's orbit, if Earth were directly between the sun and Pluto, if Earth were at its aphelion (the point in its orbit where it's farthest from the sun), and if Pluto were at its perihelion (the point in its orbit closest to the sun), on the scale where the diameter of Earth is 5 mm, the distance from Earth to Pluto is about 1.681 km (a little over a mile).

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The Earth is actually considerably bigger than the dwarf planet Pluto, having about 5.6 times the surface area of Pluto.

Earth-12,756 km

Pluto-2,296 km

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Q: What is the size comparison of Earth and Pluto?
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What planet is least like earth in size and comparison?

Pluto. It is the 9th planet from the sun and it is very different then Earth in size and temperature

The size of Pluto equal to how many earth?

The size of Pluto is about 0.18 times the size of Earth.

What is the size of Pluto to earth and how much smaller is Pluto to earth?

Pluto is smaller than Earth, with a diameter of about 2,377 kilometers compared to Earth's diameter of about 12,742 kilometers. Pluto is roughly 1/6th the size of Earth.

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Smallest to largest - Pluto, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter.

What is Bigger Earth or Pluto?

Actually Pluto is even smaller than our moon. The earths natural satellite the moon size is 1/6 of of earth. So now you can may be imagine how big is Pluto compared to earth. Pluto has now been downgraded from a planet to a chunk of rock.

How big is the planet Pluto to the planet Earth?

Pluto is tiny. Earth is 12,756 km in diameter, Pluto is only about 2,390 km. That is only about 70% the size of the Moon (which is itself 1/4 the size of Earth.) In terms of Mass, Pluto only has about 1/460 of Earth's. Surface gravity of Pluto is only about 5% of Earth's.

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Due to the mass or size of Pluto compared to Earth, about 2/3 the size of our moon, the gravitational pull of Pluto is greatly weaker than Earth's.

How long does it take Pluto's moon to go around Pluto?

Pluto's largest moon is called Charon and it takes 6.39 days to travel around Pluto! It is also the largest moon in comparison to its "parent" planet in the solar system! (about half the size of Pluto)

How many Pluto's would it take to make earth's size?

About 8 Pluto's make an Venus.

If earth was the size of a pea what about jupiter and pluto?

If Earth was the size of a pea, Jupiter would be about the size of a grapefruit, and Pluto would be roughly the size of a blueberry. The scale of these planets would be greatly reduced compared to their actual sizes.

What is the comparison of Pluto and earth?

It would depend on the comparisons you wish to make. Mass. Composition. Placement. Etc.

What planet has a moon more than half its size?

Plutos largest moon, Charon, is relatively large by comparison with Pluto at 1,206 km diameter. Pluto's equatorial diameter is 2,274 km.Read more: Which_planet_has_a_moon_that_is_more_than_half_its_size