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A white dwarf star's temperature can range from approximately 7000K to 19000K.

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Q: What is the temperature of a white dwarf star?
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What is the final state of a medium-mass star?

white dwarf

Which star is the hottest red dwarf or white dwarf?

A white dwarf is the remnant of a star that has lost most of it mass. When it is formed it is very hot indeed but, as it now has insufficient mas to carry on fusion, it begins to cool down. For objects as massive as stars, even dwarfs, this cooling down takes a long time but eventually a white dwarf will cool down completely and become a black dwarf. Red dwarfs are never very hot as they have barely sufficient mass to effect fusion so don't do it very vigorously. However the fact that they go about their fusion slowly means they can maintain their meager temperatures for a long long time indeed. Some red dwarfs are older than the calculated age of the universe. (which is an interesting paradox) a nova What this person^^^^^ is really trying to say is that : The hottest star is white dwarf.

What star is the sun classified as?

Our Sun's classification, based on spectral class, is a main sequence G2V star. It designated as a yellow dwarf star, it appears white from space, but yellow on earth due to scattering of the blue spectrum in our atmosphere. G2 indicates its surface temperature of approximately 5778 K (5505 °C), and V indicates that the Sun, like most stars, is a main sequence star.

What is the nearest red dwarf?

The nearest red dwarf is also our nearest star (after the Sun). Proxima Centauri at approximately 4.2 light years from us.

Very faint very dense Earth-size stars are?

Red and White dwarf stars.

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the temperature white dwarf star is 10,000

Is betelgeuse hotter than a white dwarf?

No, the surface temperature of Betelgeuse is colder than the temperature of a white dwarf, the white dwarf is the hot core of a dead star. Also, red stars are always colder than white stars.

What type of star has a high temperature and high luminosities?

A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.

What type of star has low temperature and high luminosity?

A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.

What types of star has high temperature and high luminosity?

A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.

What type of star has a high temperature and high luminosity?

A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.

What type of star has a high temperature and a high luminosity?

A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.A white dwarf.

Is a dwarf star and a white dwarf the same thing?

No. A dwarf star is a small star. A white dwarf is just one particular type of dwarf star, but there are other types.

Is the white dwarf the biggest star?

No a white dwarf is a small compact star.

What is a cooled white dwarf star that is extremely dense?

A cooled white dwarf is a black dwarf. I think you are thinking of a neutron star which has nothing to do with a white dwarf.

When a white dwarf star no longer emits energy what does it become?

When a white dwarf star no longer emits energy, it becomes a black dwarf. Black dwarfs are theoretical end points of stellar evolution where all nuclear reactions have ceased, and the star has cooled down to the background temperature of the universe.

Why would a white dwarf become a red dwarf?

A white dwarf could not become a red dwarf. A white dwarf is a remnant of a dead star. A red dwarf is a star with a very low mass.