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Q: What is the toddlers and tiaras episode where maddy dresses up as Dolly Parton?
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What small knick-knacks can you make out of seashells e.g. small seashell?

You can buy a small, plain box and decorate it with seashells and the like. Perhaps for a challenge, you can try to make a picture out of seashells. Or decorate picture frames. Or even a vase. You could fill bigger ones with wax and a wick, and turn it into a candle. Or perhaps make a windchime. Maybe for the holidays, you can buy some undecorated tree ornaments and fill them with sand and small shells. For children, you could cut out cardboard crowns/tiaras, and let them decorate with some seashells. And of course, seashell jewellery is beautiful and making some is quite simple.

What are six letter words starting with T and end in S?

tabbis, tabers, tablas, tables, taboos, tabors, taches, tafias, taigas, taints, takers, takins, talars, talers, talons, taluks, tamals, tamers, tangos, tankas, tapers, tapirs, targes, tarocs, taroks, tarots, tarres, tarsus, tasses, tastes, tatars, taters, taunts, tauons, taupes, tawers, tawses, taxers, taxies, taxols, taxons, tazzas, teases, teguas, teiids, teinds, telcos, tellys, tempos, tempts, tendus, tenets, tenias, tennis, tenons, tenors, tenses, tenths, tenues, tenuis, tepals, tepees, tepoys, terais, terces, ternes, terras, teslas, testes, testis, tetras, tetris, thacks, thanes, thanks, tharms, thebes, thefts, thegns, theins, theirs, themes, theres, therms, theses, thesis, thesps, thetas, thicks, thighs, thills, things, thinks, thiols, thirds, thirls, tholes, tholos, thongs, thorns, thorps, thraws, threes, thrips, throbs, throes, throws, thrums, thujas, thumbs, thumps, thunks, thurls, thuyas, thymes, thymus, tiaras, tibias, ticals, tidies, tigers, tights, tigons, tikkas, tilaks, tildes, tilers, tilths, timers, tincts, tineas, tinges, titans, titers, tithes, titles, titres, tmeses, tmesis, toasts, tobies, todays, todies, togues, toiles, tokays, tokens, tokers, tolans, tolars, tolyls, tomans, tondos, toners, tongas, tonics, tonnes, tooths, topees, topers, tophes, tophus, topics, toques, torahs, torics, tories, torous, torses, torsks, torsos, tortas, tortes, toshes, tosses, totals, totems, toters, toughs, touses, towels, towers, towies, toxins, toyers, toyons, traces, tracks, tracts, trades, tragus, traiks, trails, trains, traits, tramps, tranks, tranqs, trapes, traves, trawls, treads, treats, treens, trends, triacs, triads, trials, tribes, trices, tricks, triens, triers, trigos, trikes, trills, trines, triols, tripes, tripos, troaks, trocks, trokes, trolls, tromps, tronas, trones, troops, tropes, troths, trouts, troves, truces, trucks, trulls, trumps, trunks, trusts, truths, trysts, tsades, tsadis, tsores, tsoris, tsuris, tubers, tulips, tulles, tumors, tuners, tunics, tupiks, tuques, turbos, turves, tushes, tusses, tussis, tutees, tutors, tuttis, tuyers, twains, twangs, tweaks, tweeds, tweens, tweets, twerps, twiers, twills, twines, twirls, twirps, twists, twyers, typhus, tythes, tzuris279 words