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It is known as high density lippo-proteins, or HDL for short.

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Q: What is the type of blood fat that helps transport cholesterol out of the arteries?
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What is LDH and HDL?

LDL stands for Low Density Cholesterol and can be referred as the "bad" cholesterol, the one that end up clogging your arteries HDL is the opposite, High Density Cholesterol, Referred as the "good" cholesterol it helps in washing away the bad one lodged in your blood vessel

What is Atorvastatin?

This is a drug in the family called statins. They lower blood cholesterol levels.

How does does exercise help the heart?

it reduce the level of cholesterol in arteries and the flow of blood maintain its regular pace

Can baked foods help lower high blood pressure?

Many fried foods tend to be high in cholesterol which can narrow arteries. So I would avoid them as much as you can.

Why would lowering the plasma cholesterol concentration be potentially beneficial for this patient?

lowering the plasma cholesterol is essential for CV patients because it prevents further atherosclerosis and further narrowing of arteries that helps controlling the blood pressure thus sparing the heart of excessive load.

Why doesvGarlic helps to prevent heart disease as it lowers what in our blood?

It is thought that Garlic helps to reduce cholesterol in the blood.

What is meaning of Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fat produced by the liver that helps form cells and regulate the production of hormones in the body. There are two types of cholesterol, LDL and HDL. LDL is considered "bad" cholesterol since it can attach to your heart arteries.

How aerobic exercise help prevent cardiovascular diseases?

Exercise helps prevent Heart disease in many ways. Listed below are only some of the way exercise helps our body fight heart disease: 1. Exercise lowers blood pressure and with lower blood pressure comes less strain on the heart 2. Exercise increases the good HDL( cholesterol) which transports fats away from the arteries 3. Exercise can also reduce the bad LDL(cholesterol) preventing fatty deposits from coming into the arteries 4. Exercise helps increase fat loss and helps with weight loss 5. Exercise also helps to improve the circulation by preventing blood clots which could ultimately lead to a stroke or heart attack

What function do the arteries perform for the cells?

Arteries helps in carrying oxygenated blood from heart to different tissues of body.

What Helps control fluid and electrolyte balance and lowers blood cholesterol level?

what help control fluid and electrolyte balance and lowers blood cholesterol level

What does VLDL refer to on a blood test?

VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) is a type of "bad "cholesterol, helps cholesterol build up on the walls of arteries so laboratory test the amount of VLDL in your blood. Normal VLDL cholesterol level is between 5 and 40 mg/dL and high levels indicate a higher risk for heart disease, stroke, etc..

What is the lining of arteries and veins made of that helps them propel blood?

smooth muscle