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Music, sport, theatre and television

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Q: What kind of entertainment Bolivians enjoy?
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What kind of sports and games do Bolivians play?

they play soccor and other games like our in the U.S

What nationality are people from Bolivia?

They Are called Bolivians

How do use entertainment in a sentence?

We also have a wide range of evening entertainment for you to enjoy.

What kind of entertainment did every class enjoy in the middle ages?

Favorite entertainments for all classes of medieval society included music and storytelling.

What kind of entertainment is in Africa?

Entertainment in Africa encompasses a rich tapestry of music (from traditional to modern genres), dance, film (with Nollywood being a major industry), literature (both oral and written), sports (especially football), visual arts, cuisine, and festivals celebrating diverse cultures.

What is an Entertainment that starts with an A?

I enjoy "A"ir guitar.

What type of entertainment do Girl Scouts in Switzerland enjoy?

they enjoy winter sports at the chalet

Do bolivians dance?

Yes they do!!!

Who lives in Bolivia?


Who are Bolivians?

bolivians are the people who come from Bolivia Some Mad Lads In 7.1 YEEEEWWWWWW Oh and James im gonna get you ;)

What kind of entertainment and recreation did each class enjoy in the middle ages?

The upper class enjoyed duels and fights, which were huge sources of entertainment and recreation. The lower class was very poor because to the huge gap in class, so they made their own music, art and entertainment. Storytelling was a huge entertainment source for all classes as well.

What do Bolivians speak?

they speak Spanish..