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Q: What layer in the atmosphere does the teperature rise as altitude increases?
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When does temperature occur?

A layer in the atmosphere in which temperature increases with altitude.

The layer of the atmosphere between the stratosphere and the thermosphere and in which temperature decreases as altitude increases?

The layer of atmosphere is mesosphere. It is located after stratosphere.

The troposphere is the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere. How does temperature change with altitude in the troposphere?

Temperature decreases as altitude increases.

Which layer of the earths atmosphere contains no wate vapor has an atmosphere pressure less than 1.0 atmosphere and has air temperature that increases wth altitude?

Its the hydrosphere

In which layer does temperature decrease as altitude increases?

Temperature will decrease as the altitude increases at all levels due to the thinning of atmospheric gasses.

What divides the layers of the earth's atmosphere?

From the Earth outward the layers of the atmosphere are; Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere. These layers are divided by whether the temperature increases or deceases with an increase in altitude within the layer.

What happens to the temperature as you increase in altitude in each layer of the atmosphere?

The temperature in the atmosphere decreases as altitude increases. The reason for this is there is less warmth from the surface of the earth reaching the higher altitudes because there are fewer particles of the atmosphere to transfer the heat. The temperature begins to increase, however, around 100km in altitude because of the heat and radiation from the sun.

As temperature drops altitude increases- temperatures can be low as -93 degrees Celsius which layer of the atmosphere is this?

That would be up near the top of the troposphere, unless you're near the poles.

In what layer of the atmosphere would a spacecraft be?

A spacecraft would be outside the atmosphere - that is, it would ideally be at such an altitude that there is no longer any significant atmosphere.

Why does the atmosphere be comes less dense as altitude increases?

The air at any given layer in the atmosphere is compressed by the weight of the air above it. As you go up, there is less air wieghing down from above, so the surrounding air is less compressed.

What is the temperature of the second layer of the atmosphere?

Assuming you're going from the bottom up, the second layer of atmosphere is the stratosphere and it ranges in temperature from approximately -56 degrees C to -2 degrees C. Unlike the troposphere where the temperatures cool as altitude increases, in the stratosphere the temperatures actually get warmer the higher you go.

What is the proper order of the layers of a generic atmosphere from lowest altitude to highest?

The atmosphere has four layers. Here is the order of the layer from the lowest altitude: the troposphere, stratosphere, thermosphere, and the exosphere.